Google Affiliate X: Review

Google Affiliate X is the brainchild of Ray Johnson an unlikely internet marketing genius and is a program designed to help internet marketers profit online. It is a software program that allows the user to automatically build micro niche sites where there is hardly any competition. Johnson says that there are endless "mini niches" where there is lots of "low hanging fruit" and this is what makes his program so special.

He believes that people are going after the big competition such as "how to make money online" and "how to lose weight" and that the tiny niches get overlooked and this is where his program comes in. He is a bit of a "techie" kind of guy and as a result has developed a 5 step mathematical formula within his software that delves into niches that have that holy grail of of high search volumes but low competition.

Google Affiliate X launches on the March 1st 2011 amidst a lot of hype and it seems that at first glances, you do get a lot of bang for your buck. The course costs under $37.00. I say "under" because if you try to escape from the sales page a couple of times you can get it for $17.00. There is one upsell which Johnson says is complementary to the program and not a necessity.

So for as little as seventeen bucks you will receive over 30 videos and hundreds of written pages of training in PDF format, telling you such things as how to receive bucket loads of targeted traffic, how to continuously make money using niche affiliate products and the best methods for using domain names to drive traffic. Finally you also get the Google Affiliate X software itself. Johnson says that this is the key to your success as the software does all the "grunt" work for you and all it takes is around 15 minutes work to set it up.

As briefly discussed, the program runs on a semi automated system which means that you will have to set it up yourself. However, the developers claim that once set up, the software will run and work for you for years to come. One of the key benefits that the makers claim is that by using the system correctly, it will guarantee top search engine results. These are fairly strong words, but then again, if you are going into niches with hardly any or zero competition, then maybe they aren't.

Google Affiliate X has received some pretty good press so far but with it's launch only a few days away at the time of writing this article it is simply impossible to tell whether this program can make you some serious money online. However I will definitely be watching this space.

Dane Tanodra is a internet marketing coach who works with many top marketers from all around the world. If you want to learn more about Dane or how to make money online and promote any business using the internet Click Here.

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