More pressure in the words of 100.000 AdSense pressure to 5000 per month (News AdSense.)
n fact, a lot of people looking for the highest price in words Qoukl AdSense, but few who are seeking and are interested in by clicks on these words, although this is very important. What is the use the word that the price is high but the compression ratio by a few, but today I came to you some statistics
These statistics represent more pressure in the words Qoukl AdSense, to preview the list:
As well as more words in terms of price pressure, and the site says that the list updated on October 10, 2007, here's the list contains the most expensive 1000 words:
Most expensive word according to the site is College Loans Consolidation and price $ 76.54, the website provides a percentage for the high or low price of these words. The words in red lower price and a green rose.
Finally, a list of more words and a price pressure in the same time, Alikmoha:
The site also provides a search engine to find out the price for any word and the compression ratio to it, but I think it is not accurate